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Do you want to ensure better policy decisions and better government in Michigan? Your support of our organization will help us to continue providing the trusted, unbiased, high-quality public policy research Michigan needs.
The mission of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan is to promote the development of informed public policy at all levels of Michigan government through the delivery of factual, unbiased analysis of the most critical issues pertinent to state and local government. The Citizens Research Council is a 501(c)3 organization that funds the analysis of public policy studies and supports the work to promote good government through the support of foundations, businesses, and individuals.
Our Gift Acceptance Policy guides the forms in which we receive support.
Reference our 2022 Annual Report to see the wide range of businesses, foundations, and individuals that support our work.
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Citizens Research Council of Michigan is committed to respecting the privacy of donors. The information you provide when making a gift will be used for the purpose of correctly allocating, crediting, and allocating your gift. Your name will remain anonymous if you so choose. We follow the Donor Bill of Rights from the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
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We Are Here to Help

Contact the Research Council for help at:
38777 Six Mile Road
Suite 208
Livonia, Michigan 48152