“The right to criticize government is also an obligation to know what you're talking about.”
Lent Upson
1st Director of Citizens Research Council
“Dear CRC, Thank you for all the fine work you do. I'm a long time reader of your analyses and am a better citizen because of it.”
George Matthews
Retired School Teacher
“We are pleased to be able to cooperate with Citizens Research Council and are grateful that we have your organization hard at work in our state.”
Betsy Cushman
League of Women Voters of Dearborn -- Dearborn Heights
“The Citizens’ Research Council of Michigan is, in my judgment, the state’s bestand most respected public policy outfit.
They have provided useful and totally non-partisan information on everything from prisons toroad repair for more than a century.
Their founder and first director, Lent Upson, a pioneer in modern public administration, used tosay something that I think about a lot these days: “The right to criticize government is also anobligation to know what you are talking about.”
Were it up to me, those words would be engraved on stone tablets and plastered on web sites everywhere.”
Jack Lessenberry
Toledo Blade