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April 28, 2023

Tenant Protections can Restore Power Balance in Landlord-Tenant Relationships

Local governments across Michigan have enacted ordinances regulating tenant screening, just-cause evictions, and providing the right to counsel for an eviction proceeding. The localization of tenant protections leave some renters vulnerable to eviction and housing instability. Can Michigan enact statewide tenant protections? Chelsea Dowler and Maureen McNulty-Saxton discuss on the Facts Matter podcast.

Tenant Protections can Restore Power Balance in Landlord-Tenant Relationships

Local governments across Michigan have enacted ordinances regulating tenant screening, just-cause evictions, and providing the right to counsel for an eviction proceeding. The localization of tenant protections leave some renters vulnerable to eviction and housing instability. Can Michigan enact statewide tenant protections? Chelsea Dowler and Maureen McNulty-Saxton discuss on the Facts Matter podcast.
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