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July 30, 2012

Education Reform: Teacher Tenure and Collective Bargaining

Education Reform: Teacher Tenure and Collective Bargaining
Report 380, July 2012
A flurry of legislative activity in 2011, both in Michigan and in other states, addressed teacher tenure and public sector collective bargaining. This report describes the Michigan reforms and places changes in Michigan statutes in the context of history and of changes occurring in other states.

July 30, 2012

Education Reform: Teacher Tenure and Collective Bargaining

Education Reform: Teacher Tenure and Collective Bargaining
Report 380, July 2012
A flurry of legislative activity in 2011, both in Michigan and in other states, addressed teacher tenure and public sector collective bargaining. This report describes the Michigan reforms and places changes in Michigan statutes in the context of history and of changes occurring in other states.

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