The media recognize that without a trusted, independent source of data and analysis, the flow of information about state and local government issues would be controlled by two sources — the governmental units themselves and interest groups. CRC is that trusted source. Here are the latest articles in which CRC is cited:
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- ‘CPR’ for Dartmouth’s fiscal ill health
South Coast Today, December 29, 2008
The Citizens Research Council of Michigan completed a study that indicates that there are significant cost savings realized by consolidation of local government services. New Bedford recently has moved in this direction with its creation of a Department of Infrastructure, which combined city departments and reduced labor and administrative costs.
- Smoke and Mirrors: Lansing’s new $40-billion budget is long on promise but short on reform
dbusiness, December 2008
The pending mismatch between state revenue streams and spending has been tracked for years by the Citizens Research Council of Michigan (CRC), a respected nonpartisan think tank in Lansing. “Storm clouds are brewing on the horizon,” says CRC director of state affairs Craig Thiel. “The budget for next year is based on a significant amount of one-time resources that won’t be available when they go to write the budget for 2010. That’s a problem.”
Thiel notes that a tax hike was approved in 2007 but says it didn’t solve long-range problems. “There was also a major tax restructuring with respect to the business tax,” he says. “The problem is that neither of those things — on their own or combined — [affected] the projected growth path of the revenue that’s coming into the state. In effect, we solved the immediate problem, a shortfall, a mismatch between revenue and spending. But when you start running those revenues out and the spending out, the lines diverge quite rapidly. Characterize it as a missed opportunity in terms of restructuring the system to get more growth out of it.”
The research council and others say the state faces a “structural deficit,” created when the cost of programs and policies grow faster than revenue, even when the economy performs well. “This gets to an issue that we’ve been tracking,” Thiel says. “The state really has an inherent mismatch between the ongoing revenues … coming in and the spending that’s built into the budget.”
- How to kill a Michigan business tax
Detroit News, December 18, 2008
Corrections is the logical place to start. It’s the one area of the budget that’s been spared from the chopping block. Our prison population has soared 538 percent in the last three decades, and costs have skyrocketed 5,000 percent, according to the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan. With more than 50,000 inmates, Michigan has the highest prison population in the Midwest. The cost of a year in prison is $30,000 per inmate.
- Nation doesn’t owe Michigan a dime – or does it?
Monroe News, December 14, 2008
A Citizens Research Council of Michigan study concluded that “if Michigan had received the same proportion of all federal payments to states as the proportion of its population to the total U.S. population, an additional $14 billion in direct payments would have been made to Michigan recipients in 2007.”
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- Michigan needs its fair share
Detroit Free Press, November 30, 2008
And we’re getting worse, according to an analysis released last week by the widely-respected Citizens Research Council of Michigan. The apolitical public issues organization says Michigan, still the 10th most populous state in the nation, dropped from 2006 to ’07 from 44th among states to 45th in per capita federal spending. …
- How to kill a business tax
Lansing State Journal, November 28, 2008
Corrections is the logical place to start. It’s the one area of the budget that’s been spared from the chopping block. Our prison population has soared by 538 percent in the last three decades and costs have skyrocketed 5,000 percent, according to the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council. With more than 50,000 inmates, Michigan has the highest prison population in the Midwest. The cost of a year in prison is $30,000 per inmate.
- New thinking needed on sharing scarce tax dollars
Detroit News, November 25, 2008
With a sour economy a continuing fact of life, a new analysis by the Michigan Citizens Research Council observes that it would behoove local governments to continue and accelerate attempts to gain savings through combined operations or functions. …
- Study: State’s policies fill prisons
[St. Joseph] Herald-Palladium, November 24, 2008
Fewer inmates get paroled, and more of those who do are going back to prison for breaking technical rules, said Matthew Johnson, who conducted the study for the [Citizens] Research Council of Michigan. …
- Report: More ways for locals to consolidate
Gongwer News Service, November 18, 2008
As economic and budget woes continue across the state, more and more local units of government have turned to collaboration as a way to cut costs and a report recently released by the Citizens Research Council highlights the strategy locals should use to assess further partnerships. …
- State tries to craft budgets amid economic uncertainty
Crain’s Detroit Business, November 17, 2008
“I can’t imagine storm clouds being any darker,” said Craig Thiel, director of state affairs at the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan. “That (auto industry) economic activity drives state revenues.”
- State can’t stand still on spending for roads
Detroit News, November 12, 2008
In addition, lawmakers will have to examine how the spending is targeted. Earlier this year the Citizens Research Council examined the current distribution formula for transportation revenues and found that the heavily-traveled highways in southeast Michigan are shortchanged compared with rural areas of the state.
Local and county road agencies in one county in the Upper Peninsula received about $270 per resident from the state in 2006, the research council found, while the formula provided about $89 for each Wayne County resident. Former Gov. John Engler tried to change the formula when the gasoline tax was increased a decade ago, but was rebuffed by legislators.
- Cut prison costs
Grand Rapids Press, November 9, 2008
A June report by the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan concluded the state could spend another $600 million over the next several years as the prison population increases and ages.
- Next big battle: redistricting
Livingston Daily, November 6, 2008
The respected Citizens Research Council estimates that this deficit, left unaddressed, will balloon to nearly $10 billion by 2017.
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- Vote ‘yes’ on Proposal 2
Kalamazoo Gazette, October 31, 2008
We turned to an analysis by the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, a non-partisan public-policy research organization. It concluded that Proposal 2 would not change the state’s ban on cloning embryos and that all federal restrictions would continue to apply. However, the CRC also anticipates that the proposal’s language about restrictions ultimately will be settled in the courts, as has been the case with other state ballot initiatives.
- Stem cell proposal opens way to unrestricted research
Detroit Free Press, October 30, 2008
The Citizens Research Council report validates the lack of regulations in Proposal 2 when it states: “Research on human embryos and embryonic stem cells is not restricted by federal law.”
- WSU debates Proposal 2: School of Medicine gives forum on heavily contested stem cell research initiative
The South End, October 30, 2008
CRC cited as a source.
- Proposal 2 is wrong for Michigan
Detroit Free Press, October 28, 2008
The Citizens Research Council, a neutral policy review organization, agreed that Proposal 2 would tie the hands of the Legislature in regulating this new industry with an unknown and unforeseeable future.
- Both sides of Prop 2 cite saving lives as key
Lansing State Journal, October 27, 2008
An independent analysis by the Citizens Research Council of Michigan concluded that Proposal 2 would provide “unique constitutional protection” for stem cell research.
It also said the proposal would, in effect, leave regulation to the federal government, which “would not make Michigan unusual.”
- The Michigan Proposals – An Off the Record Special
Off the Record, October 24, 2008
Several references to CRC’s ballot analyses throughout the show.
- Mich. ad likens stem-cell work to Tuskegee study
The Associated Press, October 23, 2008
An analysis by the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan has said research on human embryos mainly would be regulated by the federal government if Proposal 2 passes. Embryonic stem-cell research conducted with federal funding is regulated by the National Institutes of Health, according the research council’s review.
- Beware the snowflake red herrings
Detroit Free Press, October 22, 2008
As a comprehensive analysis by the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigannotes, “If Proposal 2008-02 passes, patients will retain the option to donate their excess embryos to other patients.”
- Get serious about state’s chronic budget deficit
Detroit News, October 22, 2008
According to the well-respected Citizens Research Council, without big changes, our structural budget deficit will balloon to $9.6 billion by 2017, just about the size of today’s entire General Fund. And this doesn’t count the effects of the Wall Street meltdown or the coming national recession.
- Laying foundation for prosperity
Lansing State Journal, October 16, 2008
For despite all the thrashing and moaning, nothing much was done to resolve the underlying structural budget deficit. We call it “structural,” because the whole process is virtually guaranteed to turn out in the red, since the deficit is baked into the state’s current level of spending and tax income — and every year, it gets a little worse.
The respected and non-partisan Citizens’ Research Council estimates this structural deficit in the state’s general fund will grow to $9.6 billion by fiscal year 2017 — now just eight years away.
That projected deficit is somewhat larger than this year’s entire general fund total of $9.3 billion!
- Stem Cell Politics Shift to Michigan
Inside Higher Ed, October 14, 2008
According to the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan, one thing is clear: “This provides unique Constitutional protection to stem cell research.” But how far it would reach would “depend on the courts.”
“If passed, research on human embryos mainly would be regulated by the federal government,” continues the council’s report on the initiative. “This would not make Michigan unusual; many states leave it to the federal government to regulate the research. Current federal regulations are limited to funding, but the policy could change with the next president.”quot;
- Voters split on Proposal 2
[Shiawassee] Argus Press, October 13, 2008
Citizen Research Council of Michigan, a nonpartisan think tank, studied the proposal.
The report details that Michigan has some of the strictest human embryonic stem cell research laws in the nation and that “The National Academies issued ethical guidelines for stem cell research that offer a common set of ethical standards due to the lack of comprehensive federal funding and federal oversight of stem cell research. The guidelines regulate the donation and use of embryos in research and prohibit reproductive cloning, among other things. These guidelines, while adopted by many researchers voluntarily, are not legally binding.”
The report also says Michigan is only one of three states that bans research on human embryos and that passage of the proposal, “may make Michigan appear more hospitable to the life sciences industry and lead to greater investment in Michigan and its universities and research institutions.”
- Charges rampant on stem cell issue
Detroit Free Press, October 12, 2008
CRC cited as a source
- Understanding the atom aids Michigan
Saginaw News, October 8, 2008
It will increase our state’s return on federal dollars. Today we are 43rd in the nation, according to the Citizens Research Council….
- What stem cell report really says
Detroit Free Press, October 8, 2008
Opponents of embryonic stem cell research say a new report by the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan bolsters their case against a constitutional initiative to expand such research.
To understand just what a heaping helping of horse patooties their claim is, you have to read the actual report — something the anti-stem cell research zealots seem not to have done closely….
- Charter preparations begin
Detroit News, October 7, 2008
“Charter commissioners can be reimbursed up to $64 a day for up to 90 meetings,” said Bettie Buss, a senior associate with the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, a nonprofit public affairs research organization.
- Two Takes On Prop 2
MIRS Capitol Capsule, October 6, 2008
“Everything in the ad is accurate,” Doyle said. “The recent study done by the Citizens Research Council (CRC) says that Proposal 2 would put unique exemptions in the constitution for the (stem cell research) industry.”
Interestingly enough, the CureMichigan groups also cited the CRC study, claiming it refutes many of MiCause’s claims.
“The Citizens Research Council study does a good job,” Richard MCLELLAN of CureMichigan said.
The CRC study can be viewed at
- Analysis: Research opponents raise future concerns, October 6, 2008
An analysis by the Citizens Research Council of Michigan says research on human embryos mainly would be regulated by the federal government if Proposal 2 passes. The council’s review notes that research on human embryos and embryonic stem cells is not restricted by federal law; however, President Bush’s policies restrict federal funding to research on embryonic stem cell lines created before Aug. 9, 2001.
- Michigan voters to decide on medical marijuana
Chicago Tribune, October 4, 2008 - Detroit Newspaper Editors Talk
MIRS Capitol Capsule, October 3, 2008
The editorial page editors of the state’s largest newspapers staged a rare joint appearance last week and found some common ground along with several philosophical disagreements.
The Citizens Research Council (CRC) of Michigan at its 92nd annual meeting invited Detroit Free Press Opinion page editor Ron DZWONKOWSKI to share the dais with his counterpart at the rival Detroit News, Nolan FINLEY….
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- Michigan lawmaker seeks change to state’s road fund distribution
Land Line Magazine, September 23, 2008 - Pappageorge bill would return more state road funds to Oakland
Royal Oak Mirror, September 18, 2008 - State Sen. Pappageorge seeks changes in Michigan’s road funding formula
Detroit Free Press, September 16, 2008 - Michigan Lags Most States in Funding From Federal Government, Study Funds
WWJ NewRadio 950, September 15, 2008 - Michigan Not Faring Well in Federal Spending
Michigan Public Radio, September 11, 2008 - Detroit City Council weighs special elections for mayor
Detroit News, September 9, 2008 - Council favoring special election
Detroit News, September 9, 2008 - Charter Commission a burden
Macomb Daily, September 8, 2008 - Timing of special vote to complete term is uncertain
Detroit Free Press, September 6, 2008 - In dispirited Detroit, mayor pleads guilty
The Christian Science Monitor, September 4, 2008
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- Stats show Flint city jail didn’t take many violent offenders off the street; supporters counter it helped reduce Flint crime
Flint Journal, August 16, 2008 - CRC Report Wins National Award
MIRS Capitol Capsule, August 12, 2008 - Reconsider crime, punishment; free LeFevre
Saginaw News, August 7, 2008
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- Charter commission to be nominated during primary, Romeo Observer, July 30, 2008
- CRC Releases 2007 Tax System Outline, MIRS Capitol Capsule, July 28, 2008
- Political, family ties raise concerns in Macomb race, Detroit Free Press, July 28, 2008
- Graduates get high loan bills along with diplomas, Muskegon Chronicle, July 27, 2008
- State needs more, smarter spending on transportation, Detroit News, July 22, 2008
- TV ad shows political intent of ‘reform’ plan, Detroit News, July 16, 2008
- State prisons too expensive, ineffective at reform, Oakland Press, July 13, 2008
- ‘Typo’ May Spell Trouble For RMGN, MIRS Capitol Capsule, July 11, 2008
- Several typos in biggest amendment ever, C.R.C. says, Gongwer News Service, July 10, 2008
- Mich. Constitution proposal cites nonexistent section, Detroit Free Press, July 11, 2008
- Charter candidates get schooled, Macomb Daily, July 10, 2008
- State ballot proposals could stir the pot for voters, The Michigan Messenger, July 9, 2008
- Drug addiction: A public health issue, not a law enforcement problem, Petoskey News-Review, July 7, 2008
- A long-term solution to state’s budget pain, Grand Rapids Press, July 6, 2008
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- Politicians should work together for us, Crain’s Detroit Business, June 30, 2008
- Ada Twp.: Downtown development authority ahead?, Grand Rapids Press, June 26, 2008
- State corrections costs require solid solutions, Battle Creek Enquirer, June 26, 2008
- Be careful what you wish for at Capitol, Lansing State Journal, June 22, 2008
- Constitution demands access to legal counsel, Kalamazoo Gazette, June 20, 2008
- Michigan can’t afford to lock so much money into prisons, Detroit Free Press, June 17, 2008
- Cut sentences of inmates who choose rehabilitation, June 17, 2008
- Gov’s Prison Reform Details Still Behind Bars, MIRS Capitol Capsule, June 13, 2008
- Prison costs may hit $2.6B in ’12, Detroit News, June 13, 2008
- Report: Michigan prisons to top 56K inmates by 2012, Detroit News, June 12, 2008
- Michigan’s prison system bankrupts state budget, Bay City Times, June 12, 2008
- Tom Watkins: Part Time Legislature [MP3], 1320 WILS in Lansing, June 10, 2008
- John Gleason: We knew we’d have a budget deficit in fiscal 2009,, June 8, 2008
- Structural deficit can’t be fixed by anti-tax rhetoric, Muskegon Chronicle, June 8, 2008
- Business leaders see political roadblocks to Granholm’s plans, Ann Arbor News, June 2, 2008
- Michigan leaders must get serious about state’s structural deficit, Ann Arbor News, June 1, 2008
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- State must work to fix its budget,, May 29, 2008
- Michigan prison reforms likely to face opposition, Oakland Business Review, May 29, 2008
- State budget a sick patient, Saginaw News, May 29, 2008
- State spending must align with revenue, Battle Creek Enquirer, May 28, 2008
- Structural deficit continues to grow, Dowagiac Daily News, May 27, 2008
- School funding storm clouds on horizon,, May 25, 2008
- Michigan’s bleak budget picture, Grand Rapids Press, May 25, 2008
- Lack of will to change holds back Michigan, Detroit News, May 25, 2008
- Survey: Split between state spending, revenue will continue to grow, Crain’s Detroit Business, May 23, 2008
- State has to plan now for red ink, Detroit Free Press, May 23, 2008
- State budget in for more crisis, Detroit Free Press, May 23, 2008
- C.R.C. warns of strained budgets through 2017, Gongwer News Service, May 22, 2008
- Budget back in deficit, still waiting for reform, Detroit News, May 18, 2008
- Incentives too steep at $900,000 per job, Detroit News, May 8, 2008
- Macomb’s next step: Set rules for county, Detroit Free Press, May 8, 2008
- Fiscal Pressures Lead Some States to Free Inmates Early, Washington Post, May 5, 2008
- Mich. prison costs could reach $500M, Detroit News, May 3, 2008 [see also Saginaw News and Lansing State Journal, May 4, 2008; Ludington Daily News and Muskegon Chronicle, May 5, 2008]
- Prison costs on agenda, Detroit News, May 2, 2008
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- County executive question on the ballot May 6, The Romeo Observer, April 30, 2008
- Candidates line up for county charter commission, Armada Times, April 30, 2008
- Michigan Treasury reviewing cash-strapped Pontiac’s finances,, April 29, 2008
- Rally backs easing school funding gap, Detroit News, April 22, 2008
- May 6 vote could change county for generations, Macomb Daily, April 20, 2008
- Move to elect Detroit City Council by district surfaces, Detroit News, April 16, 2008
- Bulging prisons drain Michigan’s budget, Detroit News, April 14, 2008
- Info sessions set on exec measure, Detroit Free Press, April 13, 2008
- Right-sized Warren budget gives taxpayers a break, Detroit News, April 8, 2008
- Growth helps Ann Arbor city tax revenues rise, Ann Arbor News, April 7, 2008
- Mayor: Tap casinos to spur city growth, Detroit Free Press, April 3, 2008
- Forum planned on ways to govern a county, Macomb Daily, April 2, 2008
- Michigan’s getting shortchanged, Detroit Free Press, April 2, 2008
- E.L. City Council’s proposed budget falls 8 percent below last year’s, State News, April 2, 2008
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- Property tax lessons from Calif., Michigan, Asbury Park Press, March 30, 2008
- Charter vote draws little interest, Macomb Daily, March 30, 2008
- Executive decisions, Shelby Township Source Newspapers, March 30, 2008
- How to measure Michigan’s makeover, South Lyon Herald, March 29, 2008
- Macomb exec plan raises tax fears, Detroit News, March 28, 2008
- Kenneth Cockrel plans for succession, Detroit News, March 26, 2008
- Phil Power: Michigan is losing this con game, Livingston Daily, March 26, 2008
- Charges against Detroit mayor another blow for city, Christian Science Monitor, March 24, 2008
- Property tax breaks can help struggling neighborhoods, Kalamazoo Gazette, March 20, 2008
- History of Michigan’s tax on cigarettes, Detroit Free Press, March 14, 2008
- Bruce Twp. hosts first county executive meeting, Romeo Observer, March 12, 2008
- Working to change Michigan, Livingston Daily, March 12, 2008
- Council scrutinizes mayor’s spending, Detroit News, March 12, 2008
- Capitol Briefings: Revenue shortfall leads to budget uncertainty, Crain’s Detroit Business, March 10, 2008
- Forums give voters chance to discuss, debate county exec, Macomb Daily, March 5, 2008
- Expert sees improvement in state economy, [Coldwater] Daily Reporter, March 4, 2008
- Road repair formula needs update, Ann Arbor News, March 3, 2008
- Higher gas tax plan fuels debate, Lansing State Journal, March 3, 2008
- Gas tax increase necessary to fix state’s roads, Oakland Press, March 2, 2008
- Speakers express optimism at summit, [Coldwater] Daily Reporter, March 1-2, 2008
- Forecast: State, Branch County economies sluggish for another decade, Battle Creek Enquirer, March 1, 2008
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- Road funding: Change state formula to reflect traffic volume, Flint Journal, February 28, 2008
- Road funding formula rips off Kalamazoo County, Kalamazoo Gazette, February 28, 2008
- Road usage should be factor in state funding, Battle Creek Enquirer, February 28, 2008
- Pothole Problems, WLNS Channel 6, February 27, 2008
- Lawmaker faults mayor on audits, Detroit News, February 27, 2008
- State roads need fairer and greater funding, Detroit Free Press, February 27, 2008
- Branch County Economic Summit Friday, Battle Creek Enquirer, February 27, 2008
- Disparities in Road Funding; Local Roads Left Out, WILX Lansing, February 27, 2008
- Study: Michigan road funding formula favors least-traveled byways,, February 26, 2008
- Metro drivers losing out, Detroit Free Press, February 26, 2008
- State’s Highway Funding Plan Could Be Better, Group Says, WWJ 950, February 25, 2008
- New proposal aims to fix county roads, Daily Tribune
- Count shows dip in enrollment, Livingston Daily, February 25, 2008
- Forums will discuss county executive, Shelby Township Source Newspapers, February 24, 2008
- To the point: Time to look at road funding formulas, Lansing State Journal, February 23, 2008
- Overhaul antiquated road funding formula, Detroit News, February 21, 2008
- Priorities: State lawmakers lay out their goals for the year ahead, Battle Creek Enquirer, February 17, 2008
- Thanks to surplus, state has can ponder options, [Sault St. Marie] Evening News, February 17, 2008
- Private-sector group bringing ideas to state budget fray, Crain’s Detroit Business, February 11, 2008
- Brownfield tax breaks blunted by ill economy, Detroit News, February 8, 2008
- Outdated state formula said to favor rural over urban areas, Dowagiac Daily News, February 7, 2008
- Highway formula favors rural areas, Gongwer News Service, February 6, 2008
- Possible solutions to Michigan’s budget crisis, Flint Journal, February 4, 2008
- Governor’s financial panel members look to ’09 budget, Battle Creek Enquirer, February 4, 2008
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- Think outside the box for education, Livingston Daily, January 31, 2008
- A Second Look At The EFAP Report, MIRS Capitol Capsule, January 28, 2008
- People making news, Detroit Free Press, January 27, 2008
- Bishop Pledges More Consolidation For FY ’09, MIRS Capitol Capsule, January 25, 2008
- Schools need to improve despite tough times ahead, Detroit News, January 21, 2008
- A conversation with: Ronald Robinson, co-chair of ballot action committee Charter = County Executive, Crain’s Detroit Business, January 21, 2008
- Restore confidence, resurrect state, Grand Rapids Press, January 17, 2008
- Good hired to zoo post, Royal Oak Daily Tribune, January 11, 2008
- Don’t spend surplus all at once, [Houghton] Daily Mining Gazette, January 8, 2008
- Budget: Thanks to ’07 surplus, state has moment to ponder options, Lansing State Journal, January 8, 2008
- Back to work time, Muskegon Chronicle, January 7, 2008
- Michigan’s Budget Crisis: A long-term analysis of the future for Michigan’s economy and state finances, Flint Journal, January 7, 2008
- Economists expected to say state will continue to struggle,, Lansing State Journal, WSBT-TV – South Bend,IN, January 6, 2008
- Miscellaneous news responses, Adrian Daily Telegram, January 5, 2008
- Leaders need to see big picture, Ann Arbor News, January 3, 2008
- It’s Better, But It’s Still With Us, My TV20 Detroit, January 2, 2008
- History may repeat with state budget, Detroit Free Press, January 2, 2008