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Report 271, ( March 1981 ) 14 pages

Wayne County Charter Issues … Personnel Management

This report on the Wayne County civil service commission describes the present personnel system and the decision options available to the charter commission. In 1972, the National Civil Service League found that the Wayne County civil service commission was not performing these functions efficiently or effectively. In 1980, the Wayne County Efficiency Task Force confirmed the earlier findings of poorly administered personnel policies and recommended changes similar to those suggested by the 1972 report. Presently few, if any, of the recommendations of these reports have been implemented. Therefore, the charter commission has an excellent opportunity to reverse the directions of county personnel policy and make a significant contribution to strengthening personnel administration.
Report 271, ( March 1981 ) 14 pages

Wayne County Charter Issues … Personnel Management

This report on the Wayne County civil service commission describes the present personnel system and the decision options available to the charter commission. In 1972, the National Civil Service League found that the Wayne County civil service commission was not performing these functions efficiently or effectively. In 1980, the Wayne County Efficiency Task Force confirmed the earlier findings of poorly administered personnel policies and recommended changes similar to those suggested by the 1972 report. Presently few, if any, of the recommendations of these reports have been implemented. Therefore, the charter commission has an excellent opportunity to reverse the directions of county personnel policy and make a significant contribution to strengthening personnel administration.

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