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CC 677 ( April 57 ) 4 pages

The State’s Fiscal Crisis

The governor’s 1957-58 budget proposes appropriations from the general fund of $411 million, an increase of 24 per cent over this year’s (1956-57) appropriations. To finance this amount, revenues for next year are estimated at only $336 million. This leaves a revenue gap of $75 million. Available surplus will probably reduce this to about $71 million in new revenue needs.
CC 677 ( April 57 ) 4 pages

The State’s Fiscal Crisis

The governor’s 1957-58 budget proposes appropriations from the general fund of $411 million, an increase of 24 per cent over this year’s (1956-57) appropriations. To finance this amount, revenues for next year are estimated at only $336 million. This leaves a revenue gap of $75 million. Available surplus will probably reduce this to about $71 million in new revenue needs.

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