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Report 121, ( February 1931 ) 20 pages

The Form of Government in 288 American Cities

In the fall election of 1929, a referendum was presented to the electors of Detroit which, if approved, would have made basic changes in the existing form of government. This proposal prompted an enquiry into the form of government in American cities. A questionnaire was sent to all cities having a population of 30,000 or more at that time, and the results are summarized herewith.
Report 121, ( February 1931 ) 20 pages

The Form of Government in 288 American Cities

In the fall election of 1929, a referendum was presented to the electors of Detroit which, if approved, would have made basic changes in the existing form of government. This proposal prompted an enquiry into the form of government in American cities. A questionnaire was sent to all cities having a population of 30,000 or more at that time, and the results are summarized herewith.

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