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Misc., ( May 1985 ) 24 pages

The Financing of Adult Education in Michigan

Substantial numbers of adults in Michigan do not possess a high school diploma. The 1980 Census indicated that about 1.68 million Michigan residents age 25 and over lacked 12 complete years of schooling, or about 32 percent of the population age 25 and over. These are significant figures and suggest that adult education levels in the state should be a matter of concern, particularly in view of the close connection between certain skills acquired in the classroom and occupational potential — and, on the other hand, between lack of education and poverty.
Misc., ( May 1985 ) 24 pages

The Financing of Adult Education in Michigan

Substantial numbers of adults in Michigan do not possess a high school diploma. The 1980 Census indicated that about 1.68 million Michigan residents age 25 and over lacked 12 complete years of schooling, or about 32 percent of the population age 25 and over. These are significant figures and suggest that adult education levels in the state should be a matter of concern, particularly in view of the close connection between certain skills acquired in the classroom and occupational potential — and, on the other hand, between lack of education and poverty.

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