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Memo 1051, ( September 1998 ) 8 pages

Statewide Ballot Issues

Analyzes the three proposals which are on the statewide ballot at the November 1998 general election. Proposal A: Constitutional Amendment to Replace the Term “Handicapped” with “Disabled” Proposal B: Terminally Ill Patient’s Right to End Unbearable Pain and Suffering Act (Physician Assisted Suicide); Proposal C: Clean Michigan Initiative Bonds.
Memo 1051, ( September 1998 ) 8 pages

Statewide Ballot Issues

Analyzes the three proposals which are on the statewide ballot at the November 1998 general election. Proposal A: Constitutional Amendment to Replace the Term “Handicapped” with “Disabled” Proposal B: Terminally Ill Patient’s Right to End Unbearable Pain and Suffering Act (Physician Assisted Suicide); Proposal C: Clean Michigan Initiative Bonds.

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