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State Budget Note 2007-01 ( June 2007 ) 2 pages

State Budget “Balance” for FY2007 Achieved with $1 Billion in Additional Non-Recurring Resources

Going into Fiscal Year 2007 the State of Michigan had used $6.8 billion in non-recurring resources to meet the constitutional balanced budget requirement. The recent agreement on the FY2007 budget has increased that total by $1.015 billion adding new challenges to achieving a structurally balanced budget.
State Budget Note 2007-01 ( June 2007 ) 2 pages

State Budget “Balance” for FY2007 Achieved with $1 Billion in Additional Non-Recurring Resources

Going into Fiscal Year 2007 the State of Michigan had used $6.8 billion in non-recurring resources to meet the constitutional balanced budget requirement. The recent agreement on the FY2007 budget has increased that total by $1.015 billion adding new challenges to achieving a structurally balanced budget.

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