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CC 963, ( October 1986 ) 4 pages

Significant Local Ballot Issues

(Wayne County-Abolish Drain Commissioner; Macomb County-Electing a Commission to Draft a Charter) Among local ballot issues to be decided on November 4, 1986, two have some statewide significance. Both deal with the subject of county home rule. Wayne County government now is in the 4th year of operation under a charter that separates legislative and executive powers into two branches. A Wayne County ballot proposal would further the move toward a unified executive and toward separation of powers in that county. Macomb County is voting on a proposal to create a charter commission to write a home rule charter for the county.
CC 963, ( October 1986 ) 4 pages

Significant Local Ballot Issues

(Wayne County-Abolish Drain Commissioner; Macomb County-Electing a Commission to Draft a Charter) Among local ballot issues to be decided on November 4, 1986, two have some statewide significance. Both deal with the subject of county home rule. Wayne County government now is in the 4th year of operation under a charter that separates legislative and executive powers into two branches. A Wayne County ballot proposal would further the move toward a unified executive and toward separation of powers in that county. Macomb County is voting on a proposal to create a charter commission to write a home rule charter for the county.

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