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March 1, 1919

Report re Outer Boulevard

Report re Outer Boulevard
Report 26, March 1919


In February, 1918 Mr. Oscar B. Marx, then Mayor of Detroit, appointed a committee of citizens for the purpose of investigating the desirability and practicability of securing to the city of right of way necessary for a boulevard which would parallel the present Grand Boulevard, but several miles farther out.
This committee has discussed many plans for an outer boulevard, has examined proposed routes, and has interviewed property owners along such routes to determine if a right of way can be secured at nominal expense to the city.
This committee begs to report as follows:
1. It is the opinion of the committee that action should be taken by the City of Detroit to acquire the right of way for an outer boulevard at this time when the value of property to be condemned is not excessive and when a large proportion of the right of way of such boulevard can be secured by donation.
2. That the tentative route for such a boulevard be determined by the Council of the City after consideration of the feasibility of various routes and approval by the City Plan Commission.
3. That in determining such a tentative route consideration be given to the possibility of acquiring suitable adjoining parcels of land for park purposes, either by purchase or gift, or in such sections as will shortly be developed for residence purposes.
4. That after a tentative route has been decided upon the city engineer be directed to make such surveys as may be necessary to determine the amount of private property which must be acquitted
5. That based upon such a survey the Corporation Counsel be instructed to collaborate with the Park Commission and citizens in securing the donations of such property as may be offered along such route, the sole consideration being the agreement of the city to incorporate such property into a boulevard system.
6. That the Park Commissioner be instructed to secure an estimate cost of condemning such other property as may be necessary.
7. The principal expense of creating such an outer boulevard would be the coast of improving and paving. This committee believes that the city should acquire the right of way of such a boulevard and leave the improvement to a time when it is more essential than at the present moment.
8. This committee has prepared plans of several possible locations for an outer boulevard, which plans with all available information it will be glad to place before the mayor and the Council at such time and under such circumstances as may be designated.
Respectfully submitted,
J. Walter Drake,
B. F. Stephenson,
Tracy W. Mcgregor,
L. D. Upson,
Paul A. Serge,
G. W. Drennan,

March 1, 1919

Report re Outer Boulevard

Report re Outer Boulevard
Report 26, March 1919


In February, 1918 Mr. Oscar B. Marx, then Mayor of Detroit, appointed a committee of citizens for the purpose of investigating the desirability and practicability of securing to the city of right of way necessary for a boulevard which would parallel the present Grand Boulevard, but several miles farther out.
This committee has discussed many plans for an outer boulevard, has examined proposed routes, and has interviewed property owners along such routes to determine if a right of way can be secured at nominal expense to the city.
This committee begs to report as follows:
1. It is the opinion of the committee that action should be taken by the City of Detroit to acquire the right of way for an outer boulevard at this time when the value of property to be condemned is not excessive and when a large proportion of the right of way of such boulevard can be secured by donation.
2. That the tentative route for such a boulevard be determined by the Council of the City after consideration of the feasibility of various routes and approval by the City Plan Commission.
3. That in determining such a tentative route consideration be given to the possibility of acquiring suitable adjoining parcels of land for park purposes, either by purchase or gift, or in such sections as will shortly be developed for residence purposes.
4. That after a tentative route has been decided upon the city engineer be directed to make such surveys as may be necessary to determine the amount of private property which must be acquitted
5. That based upon such a survey the Corporation Counsel be instructed to collaborate with the Park Commission and citizens in securing the donations of such property as may be offered along such route, the sole consideration being the agreement of the city to incorporate such property into a boulevard system.
6. That the Park Commissioner be instructed to secure an estimate cost of condemning such other property as may be necessary.
7. The principal expense of creating such an outer boulevard would be the coast of improving and paving. This committee believes that the city should acquire the right of way of such a boulevard and leave the improvement to a time when it is more essential than at the present moment.
8. This committee has prepared plans of several possible locations for an outer boulevard, which plans with all available information it will be glad to place before the mayor and the Council at such time and under such circumstances as may be designated.
Respectfully submitted,
J. Walter Drake,
B. F. Stephenson,
Tracy W. Mcgregor,
L. D. Upson,
Paul A. Serge,
G. W. Drennan,

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