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Report on Street Cleaning and Refuse Collection, Department of Public Works, City of Detroit

Report 9 ( February 1917 ) 94 pages This report recommended a number of changes for the young city that was rapidly increasing in size and commerce. Recommendations dealt with organization for the bureau; civil service practices to avoid patronage; and appropriation, payroll and record reform to provide better accountability. Operational reforms were offered for street cleaning, including: the street flushing, machine sweepers, pavement sprinkling, hand sweeping (“white wing” patrol, and snow work. Other operations reforms dealt with collection of refuse, including: providing better definitions of rubbish to allow separation, rerouting collectors, and greater incorporation of the new automobile trucks into the operations. The report implored Detroiters to take greater care to clean up after themselves or the work of the city sanitation forces could never keep up.

Report on Street Cleaning and Refuse Collection, Department of Public Works, City of Detroit

Report 9 ( February 1917 ) 94 pages This report recommended a number of changes for the young city that was rapidly increasing in size and commerce. Recommendations dealt with organization for the bureau; civil service practices to avoid patronage; and appropriation, payroll and record reform to provide better accountability. Operational reforms were offered for street cleaning, including: the street flushing, machine sweepers, pavement sprinkling, hand sweeping (“white wing” patrol, and snow work. Other operations reforms dealt with collection of refuse, including: providing better definitions of rubbish to allow separation, rerouting collectors, and greater incorporation of the new automobile trucks into the operations. The report implored Detroiters to take greater care to clean up after themselves or the work of the city sanitation forces could never keep up.

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