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Report 278, ( August 1981 ) 14 pages

Regulation and Competition: Can They Be Used Together to Contain Health Care Costs?

The problem of balanceing concerns for equity and for efficiency is raised graphically by these two essays. Can we allow market forces to bring greater efficiency to the health care system without at the same time threatening the ability of those least able to pay to secure needed services? On the other hand, can we continue to support a system of care in which subsidies, hidden and direct, and regulation prevent economic discipline from removing inefficient producers of care from the market and lead to an ever-increasing burden on the economy?
Report 278, ( August 1981 ) 14 pages

Regulation and Competition: Can They Be Used Together to Contain Health Care Costs?

The problem of balanceing concerns for equity and for efficiency is raised graphically by these two essays. Can we allow market forces to bring greater efficiency to the health care system without at the same time threatening the ability of those least able to pay to secure needed services? On the other hand, can we continue to support a system of care in which subsidies, hidden and direct, and regulation prevent economic discipline from removing inefficient producers of care from the market and lead to an ever-increasing burden on the economy?

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