Report 239, ( April 70 ) 84 pages
Regional Financing of Regional Services
In 1968 the Metropolitan Fund, Incorporated, requested the Citizens Research Council to undertake a comprehensive study in the field of regional finance. The purpose of the study was to identify, describe and analyze the more significant alternative methods which were being utilized in the United States and Canada to finance regional services on a regional basis, and to evaluate the potential of these methods for the regional financing of regional services in Southeast Michigan. The principal thrust of the study was to be directed toward multi-county programs, rather than those involving only a single county or part of a county (such as the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto). However particularly significant instances of financing sub-regional programs might be included. The study was not intended to include instances of regional financing of local services (i.e., a regional-level tax to provide funds for local governments), nor was it to consider the financing of regional planning or educational activities. The study was not designed to develop specific recommendations as to services which should be performed on a regional basis in Southeast Michigan or as to methods of regional financing which should be utilized in this area.