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Memo 1067, ( September 2002 ) 4 pages

Proposal K: An Arts and Culture Tax for Oakland and Wayne Counties

At the November 5, 2002, general election, the voters of Oakland and Wayne Counties will be asked to approve the levy of one-half mill (0.5 mills) to support regional cultural institutions and local arts and recreation programs in these counties for ten years. Regional cultural institutions, such as zoos, science centers, public broadcast stations, museums, historical centers, performing arts centers, visual or performing arts centers, orchestras, and opera houses, will benefit from this tax.
Memo 1067, ( September 2002 ) 4 pages

Proposal K: An Arts and Culture Tax for Oakland and Wayne Counties

At the November 5, 2002, general election, the voters of Oakland and Wayne Counties will be asked to approve the levy of one-half mill (0.5 mills) to support regional cultural institutions and local arts and recreation programs in these counties for ten years. Regional cultural institutions, such as zoos, science centers, public broadcast stations, museums, historical centers, performing arts centers, visual or performing arts centers, orchestras, and opera houses, will benefit from this tax.

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