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Report 333 ( April 2001 ) 162 pages

Outline of State of Michigan Health Programs

Nearly $10.3 billion in State of Michigan appropriations were directed toward health in Fiscal Year 2000-01, consisting of $9.2 billion for 151 health programs and $1.1 billion for health insurance for past and current state employees. The health programs have the primary purpose of: promoting the public health; preventing health problems; maintaining and improving personal health; identifying threats to health; and, treating physical and mental disease. Intended as a comprehensive reference to these 151 health programs, the Outline contains descriptions of legal authority, administrative authority, and budget information. It also contains useful links to other sites.
Report 333 ( April 2001 ) 162 pages

Outline of State of Michigan Health Programs

Nearly $10.3 billion in State of Michigan appropriations were directed toward health in Fiscal Year 2000-01, consisting of $9.2 billion for 151 health programs and $1.1 billion for health insurance for past and current state employees. The health programs have the primary purpose of: promoting the public health; preventing health problems; maintaining and improving personal health; identifying threats to health; and, treating physical and mental disease. Intended as a comprehensive reference to these 151 health programs, the Outline contains descriptions of legal authority, administrative authority, and budget information. It also contains useful links to other sites.

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