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Report 335, ( January 2003 ) 41 pages

Organization of State of Michigan Education Functions

Several functions previously housed in the Department of Education were transferred out of the Department in the 1990s. Some of these functions, such as Disability Determination Services, have little discernible relationship to educational policy and have found more appropriate organizational locations. Others, such as the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP), have a direct relationship to educational policy but were transferred to departments whose basic missions do not include education.
Report 335, ( January 2003 ) 41 pages

Organization of State of Michigan Education Functions

Several functions previously housed in the Department of Education were transferred out of the Department in the 1990s. Some of these functions, such as Disability Determination Services, have little discernible relationship to educational policy and have found more appropriate organizational locations. Others, such as the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP), have a direct relationship to educational policy but were transferred to departments whose basic missions do not include education.

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