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Report 330, ( September 2000 ) 33 pages

Michigan’s Unrestricted Revenue Sharing Program: Retrospect and Prospect

In December 1998, the Michigan Legislature approved a major revision in the State’s revenue sharing program. The unrestricted revenue sharing program in Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 will pay over $1.4 billion to general-purpose local units of government: cities, villages, townships, and counties. These units may use the revenues for any legitimate governmental purpose.
Report 330, ( September 2000 ) 33 pages

Michigan’s Unrestricted Revenue Sharing Program: Retrospect and Prospect

In December 1998, the Michigan Legislature approved a major revision in the State’s revenue sharing program. The unrestricted revenue sharing program in Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 will pay over $1.4 billion to general-purpose local units of government: cities, villages, townships, and counties. These units may use the revenues for any legitimate governmental purpose.

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