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Note 2003-01, ( March 2003 ) 4 pages

Local Ballot Issues in the 2002 General Election

Using a list of local ballot issues compiled by the Michigan Department of State and, CRC analyzed the 412 ballot issues-45 county, 84 city, 269 township, and 14 special authority-to determine the kinds of issues voted on in the November 2002 general election and the outcomes of the votes.
Note 2003-01, ( March 2003 ) 4 pages

Local Ballot Issues in the 2002 General Election

Using a list of local ballot issues compiled by the Michigan Department of State and, CRC analyzed the 412 ballot issues-45 county, 84 city, 269 township, and 14 special authority-to determine the kinds of issues voted on in the November 2002 general election and the outcomes of the votes.

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