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Misc. ( December 1987 ) 7 pages

Improving State Appropriation Control over the Resident County Hospitalization Program

Michigan counties provide hospitalization coverage for indigents under a state mandate. The state actually pays the hospital bills for participating counties and requires those counties to pay back a share of the costs; however, appropriation controls in the executive branch do not effectively enforce the payback requirement. This paper describes the steps that could bring adequate fiscal control.
Misc. ( December 1987 ) 7 pages

Improving State Appropriation Control over the Resident County Hospitalization Program

Michigan counties provide hospitalization coverage for indigents under a state mandate. The state actually pays the hospital bills for participating counties and requires those counties to pay back a share of the costs; however, appropriation controls in the executive branch do not effectively enforce the payback requirement. This paper describes the steps that could bring adequate fiscal control.

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