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Report 351 ( September 2008 ) 30 pages

Federal Expenditures in Michigan, 2006

Per capita federal expenditures in Michigan in Michigan rose from $6,414 in fiscal year 2005 to $6,671 in fiscal year 2006, but Michigan’s rank among the 50 states fell from 43rd to 44th. If Michigan had received the same per capita amount as the average of the other states, $15.4 billion more in federal spending would have occurred in Michigan. This is one of the principal findings of a new report (Federal Expenditures in Michigan, 2006) released by the Citizens Research Council of Michigan.
Report 351 ( September 2008 ) 30 pages

Federal Expenditures in Michigan, 2006

Per capita federal expenditures in Michigan in Michigan rose from $6,414 in fiscal year 2005 to $6,671 in fiscal year 2006, but Michigan’s rank among the 50 states fell from 43rd to 44th. If Michigan had received the same per capita amount as the average of the other states, $15.4 billion more in federal spending would have occurred in Michigan. This is one of the principal findings of a new report (Federal Expenditures in Michigan, 2006) released by the Citizens Research Council of Michigan.

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