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Memo 1052, ( January 2000 ) 12 pages

Changes to the Property Tax Delinquency and Reversion Process in Michigan

Recent changes to the General Property Tax Act have significantly shortened and simplified administrative processes affecting delinquent real property taxes. Before these changes, it was common for thousands of tax-delinquent parcels of property to revert to the State annually, a process that took up to five years or more. Beginning with the 1999 tax year, tax-delinquent parcels will proceed to judicial foreclosure in local circuit court in a process that returns the property–with marketable title–back to tax productive status about two and a half years after delinquency.
Memo 1052, ( January 2000 ) 12 pages

Changes to the Property Tax Delinquency and Reversion Process in Michigan

Recent changes to the General Property Tax Act have significantly shortened and simplified administrative processes affecting delinquent real property taxes. Before these changes, it was common for thousands of tax-delinquent parcels of property to revert to the State annually, a process that took up to five years or more. Beginning with the 1999 tax year, tax-delinquent parcels will proceed to judicial foreclosure in local circuit court in a process that returns the property–with marketable title–back to tax productive status about two and a half years after delinquency.

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