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Report 259 ( November 79 ) 56 pages

A Suggested Budget Measure for Local Units of Government in Michigan

The purpose of this document is to present a sample budget ordinance, resolution, or charter provision that may be adopted by local units of government in Michigan. This measure, if adopted, will help to institutionalize budgeting procedures that will result in accountable allocation of local public resources and retention of fiscal stability. It should also enable local units to adopt provisions consistent with the new local budgeting provisions of the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act, P. A. 621 of 1973.
Report 259 ( November 79 ) 56 pages

A Suggested Budget Measure for Local Units of Government in Michigan

The purpose of this document is to present a sample budget ordinance, resolution, or charter provision that may be adopted by local units of government in Michigan. This measure, if adopted, will help to institutionalize budgeting procedures that will result in accountable allocation of local public resources and retention of fiscal stability. It should also enable local units to adopt provisions consistent with the new local budgeting provisions of the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act, P. A. 621 of 1973.

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