CC 858, ( October 72 ) 13 pages
A Digest of the Proposed Charter for the City of Detroit
On November 7, 1972, the voters of the City of Detroit will be asked to ratify or reject the proposed city charter prepared by the Charter Revision Commission. Proposal H asks the voters to decide whether the main body of the proposed charter should be adopted or rejected. Proposals I and J will permit the voters to choose between alternative kinds of representation on the city council (I) and between alternative methods of electing city officials (J). However, in the event that Proposal H is defeated, the vote on proposals I and J would be nullified and the present charter (which provides for nonpartisan-ship elections and a nine-member city council elected at large) would remain in effect. The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize the principal features of the proposed charter in an attempt to give the voter a means for formulating his own decision on this important question.