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April 29, 2020
State Budget Note 2020-01

Budget Note – Michigan Budget Growth Fueled by Federal Dollars

  • Michigan has become more dependent on federal dollars to fund state programs since the turn of the millennium.
  • This has coincided with a slowdown in the growth of state discretionary dollars – which have shrunk from 40 percent of the state budget to less than 20 percent.
  • State funding used to match federal funding has drawn increased amounts of the limited discretionary dollars collected by the state, furthering the impact on the state budget.
April 29, 2020
State Budget Note 2020-01

Budget Note – Michigan Budget Growth Fueled by Federal Dollars

  • Michigan has become more dependent on federal dollars to fund state programs since the turn of the millennium.
  • This has coincided with a slowdown in the growth of state discretionary dollars – which have shrunk from 40 percent of the state budget to less than 20 percent.
  • State funding used to match federal funding has drawn increased amounts of the limited discretionary dollars collected by the state, furthering the impact on the state budget.

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