Academy of Political Science | Alberta Gaming Research Institute |
Accounting Resources | |
American Arbitration Association | American Association of Airport Executives |
American Association of Community Colleges | American Association of Port Authorities |
American Association of School Administrators | American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials |
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research | American Hospital Association |
American Institute of CPAs | American Judiciture Society |
American Library Association | American Planning Association |
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management | |
American Political Science Association | American Public Health Association |
American Public Works Association The APWA Research Foundation | American Road & Transportation Builders Association |
American Society for Public Administration | American Sociological Association |
American Water Works Association | Appraisal Institute |
Brookings Institute | Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. |
CATO Institute | Center for Voting and Democracy |
Committee for Economic Development | U. S. Chamber of Commerce |
Common Cause | Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Information Services Division |
Council of State Governments (CSG) | Capitol Spotlight |
C-SPAN | Education Commission of the States |
Electronic Policy Network | Educational Excellence Network |
Federation of Tax Administrators | Federal Times |
FinanceNet, State and federal fiscal and budget information and agencies. | General Accounting Office |
Gov Spot Clearinghouse for government information | GSA Advantage |
The Heartland Institute | Government Executive Magazine |
Government Information Sharing Project | Government Finance Officers Association |
Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB) | The Heritage Foundation |
Indiana University School of Law (This site keeps track of state government.) | The Independent Institute |
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety | Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc. |
Institute of Public Administration | Institute of Transportation Engineers |
International Association of Assessing Officers | International Association of Assembly Managers |
International Association of Chiefs of Police | International Association of Fire Chiefs |
International Association of Fire Fighters | International City/County Management Association |
International Conference of Building Officials | International Personnel Management Association |
Legal Information Institute’s Topical Index: State Statutes on the Internet | League of Women Voters of the United States |
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy | |
Local Government Homepage | Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation |
Moody’s Investors Service | National Academy of Public Administration |
National Association of Counties | National Association of Regional Councils |
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners | National Association of State Boards of Education |
National Association of State Budget Officers | National Association of State Retirement Administrators |
National Association of Towns and Townships | National Association of State Information Resources Executives (lists state government resources) |
National Bureau of Economic Research | National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education |
National Center for State Courts Conference of Chief Justices Conference of State Court Administrators Institute for Court Management | National Civic League |
National Conference of State LegislaturesNCSL’s Ballot Measures Database | National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards |
National Council on the Aging, Inc. | National Council on Crime & Delinquency |
National Education Association of the US | National Environmental Information Service |
National Fire Protection Association | National Governor’s Association |
National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc. | National League of Cities |
National Mental Health Association, Inc. | National Policy Association |
National Public Employer Labor Relations Assn. | National Recreation and Park Association |
National School Boards Association | National Tax Association |
Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government Center for the Study of the States | Northeast Midwest Institute |
Pacific Research Institute | Penny Hill Press |
Piper Information (State-by-state list of state and local governments, arranged according to executive, legislative, or judicial branches) | Presidential Classroom for Young Americans |
Project Vote Smart (Bipartisan research tool for voters offering biographies of public figures, voting records, issue positions and backgrounds of candidates and elected officials nationwide and issue briefs from special interest groups. Includes a detailed directory of other political information available on the Web.) | Policy |
Public Fund Survey — Sponsored jointly by National Association of State Retirement Administrators and the National Council on Teacher Retirement, this survey presents descriptions, data, and graphs of the public retirement system community. | Public Technology, Inc. |
RAND Corporation | Resources for the Future |
Right to Know Network Public database with environmental, housing, and campaign finance information. | Sales Tax Institute |
Seattle Public Library’s Collection of City Ordinances and Municipal Codes | Social Science Research Council | Your source for news on the states from the Pew Center on the States @ the University of Richmond | State Health Facts Online – Kaiser Family Foundation |
State Medicaid Directors Association | Tax and Accounting Sites Directory |
Tax Foundation | Tax Rates and Tax Burdens in the District of Columbia: A Nationwide Comparison |
Tax Analysts | Thomas, Federal government’s site for bills, bill status, and the Congressional Record |
Tax Policy Center | |
U of M (links to government information, statistical resources, state/local government information) | Urban Institute |
Urban Land Institute | US Conference of Mayors |
Water Environment Federation | W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research |
Welfare Information Network | Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Economic Update section has information about the Midwest Economy |
Institute for Professionals in Taxation |