Finding the Path to a
$1.5 Billion Corrections Budget
A Symposium for Policymakers and Stakeholders
On March 17, 2011, the Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending (CAPPS) the Citizens Research Council of Michigan (CRC) and the Center for Michigan co-sponsored a public policy symposium entitled “Finding the Path to a $1.5 Billion Corrections Budget”. The Michigan Department of Corrections appropriation is currently $2 billion. It consumes nearly 25 percent of the overall General Fund budget. The purpose of the symposium was to present attendees with a wealth of unbiased, non-partisan and factual information about how the MDOC appropriation is allocated, how it affects the overall state budget and what options exist for reducing it. The information was intended to serve as a foundation for forthcoming policy and budget discussions.
The symposium, held at the Lansing Center, included presentations from the co-sponsoring organizations, budget experts, the business community and stakeholder groups. It was by invitation-only and did not include media. The following is the program with links to the materials provided.
Sponsoring Organizations
Welcome/Why We Are Here – John Bebow, The Center for Michigan
Memo to Governor-Elect Snyder’s Transition Team from Corrections Reform Coalition Center for Michigan Special Report: Why Michigan prison costs keep growing Center for Michigan Special Report: Learning from prison cuts in other states
Corrections Spending in Context: Historical and Comparative Trends – Jeff Guilfoyle, Citizens Research Council of Michigan
CRC Report 350 — Growth in Michigan’s Corrections System: Historical and Comparative Perspectives
Deconstructing the MDOC Budget – Bob Schneider, House Fiscal Agency
Personnel Matters: Where the Big Money Is – Craig Thiel, Citizens Research Council of Michigan
Strategies for Safely Reducing the Prisoner Population – Barbara Levine, CAPPS
Strategies for Safely Reducing the Prisoner Population CAPPS Report: Denying parole at first eligibility: How much public safety does it actually buy?
The Role of Prisoner Re-Entry – Phillip Weaver, Hope Network
Operating Efficiencies: Issues and Caveats – Natalie Holbrook, American Friends Service Committee’s Michigan Criminal Justice Program and Ron Crabtree, MetaOps, Inc.
Holbrook: Operating Efficiencies: Potential Savings Crabtree: Operational Excellence Overview