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June 19, 2019

How the Pieces Fit Together: The Cost of Living and Mobility in Michigan – Bloomfield Hills

When: June 19, 2019 — 11:30 to 1:30 p.m.

Where: Robertson Brothers Homes
6905 Telegraph Road
Suite 200
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

Hazel, Ravines & Downtown
34977 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, MI 48009

Park in either of the two parking structures right outside our front door (on Peabody Street)

What: A panel discussion of the cost of living and mobility in Michigan. The discussion will include proposals to increase funding for road repairs, efforts to reform our no-fault auto insurance laws to reduce the cost of car ownership, our heavy reliance to car ownership because of the sparsity of public transportation, and issues of urban sprawl.

Who: The Citizens Research Council of Michigan, Michigan Chamber of Commerce Foundation, and Michigan Information & Research Service (MIRS) has convened representtives of the Michigan Municipal League (MML), Michigan Association of Planning (MAP), County Road Association of Michigan (CRAM), and the Insurance Alliance of Michigan to explore these issues.

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June 19, 2019

How the Pieces Fit Together: The Cost of Living and Mobility in Michigan – Bloomfield Hills

When: June 19, 2019 — 11:30 to 1:30 p.m.

Where: Robertson Brothers Homes
6905 Telegraph Road
Suite 200
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

Hazel, Ravines & Downtown
34977 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, MI 48009

Park in either of the two parking structures right outside our front door (on Peabody Street)

What: A panel discussion of the cost of living and mobility in Michigan. The discussion will include proposals to increase funding for road repairs, efforts to reform our no-fault auto insurance laws to reduce the cost of car ownership, our heavy reliance to car ownership because of the sparsity of public transportation, and issues of urban sprawl.

Who: The Citizens Research Council of Michigan, Michigan Chamber of Commerce Foundation, and Michigan Information & Research Service (MIRS) has convened representtives of the Michigan Municipal League (MML), Michigan Association of Planning (MAP), County Road Association of Michigan (CRAM), and the Insurance Alliance of Michigan to explore these issues.

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