State and City |
State Tax |
Local Tax |
Total Tax |
Rank |
Alabama — Mobile |
4.000% |
6.000% |
10.000% |
34 |
Alaska — Anchorage |
none |
9.000% |
9.000% |
39 |
Arizona — Pheonix |
5.500% |
5.125% |
10.625% |
29 |
Arkansas — Little Rock |
6.625% |
3.500% |
10.125% |
33 |
California — Los Angeles |
none |
14.000% |
14.000% |
6 |
Colorado — Denver |
3.000% |
8.800% |
11.800% |
24 |
Connecticut — Hartford |
12.000% |
none |
12.000% |
17 |
Delaware — Wilmington |
8.000% |
none |
8.000% |
44 |
Florida — Miami |
6.000% |
6.500% |
12.000% |
17 |
Georgia — Atlanta |
4.000% |
10.000% |
14.000% |
6 |
Hawaii — Honolulu |
10.000% |
none |
10.000% |
34 |
Idaho — Boise |
7.000% |
4.000% |
11.000% |
25 |
Illinois — Chicago |
6.200% |
8.700% |
14.900% |
2 |
Indiana — Indianapolis |
5.000% |
5.000% |
10.000% |
34 |
Iowa — Des Moines |
5.000% |
7.000% |
12.000% |
17 |
Kansas — Wichita |
4.900% |
7.000% |
11.900% |
23 |
Kentucky — Louisville |
6.000% |
5.000% |
11.000% |
25 |
Louisiana — New Orleans |
2.000% |
9% plus daily fee |
11% plus daily fee |
25 |
Maine — Portland |
7.000% |
none |
7.000% |
50 |
Maryland — Baltimore |
5.000% |
7.000% |
12.000% |
17 |
Massachusetts — Boston |
5.700% |
4.000% |
9.700% |
38 |
Michigan — Detroit |
6.000% |
8.000% |
14.000% |
6 |
Minnesota — Minneapolis |
6.500% |
5.500% |
12.000% |
17 |
Mississippi — Jackson |
7.000% |
1.000% |
8.000% |
45 |
Missouri — St. Louis |
4.225% |
9.875% |
14.100% |
5 |
Montana — Bozeman |
4.000% |
none |
4.000% |
51 |
Nebraska — Omaha |
6.000% |
5.000% |
11.000% |
25 |
Nevada — Las Vegas |
none |
8.000% |
8.000% |
46 |
N. Hampshire — Manchester |
8.000% |
none |
8.000% |
46 |
New Jersey — Atlantic City |
4.000% |
9.000% |
13.000% |
11 |
New Mexico — Santa Fe |
5.000% |
5.250% |
10.250% |
32 |
New York — New York |
4.000% |
9.25% plus $2/day |
13.25% plus $2/day |
9 |
N. Carolina — Charlotte |
5.000% |
8.000% |
13.000% |
11 |
North Dakota — Fargo |
5.000% |
4.000% |
9.000% |
39 |
Ohio — Cleveland |
5.000% |
9.500% |
14.500% |
4 |
Oklahoma — Tulsa |
4.600% |
8.500% |
13.100% |
10 |
Oregon — Portland |
none |
9.000% |
9.000% |
39 |
Penna — Philadelphia |
6.000% |
7.000% |
13.000% |
11 |
R. Island — Providence |
12.000% |
none |
12.000% |
17 |
S. Carolina — Charleston |
7.000% |
1.000% |
8.000% |
46 |
S. Dakota — Sioux Falls |
5.000% |
4.000% |
9.000% |
39 |
Tennessee — Nashville |
6.000% |
6.250% |
12.250% |
16 |
Texas — Dallas |
6.000% |
7.000% |
13.000% |
11 |
Utah — Salt Lake City |
4.750% |
5.750% |
10.500% |
30 |
Vermont — Burlington |
9.000% |
1.000% |
10.000% |
34 |
Virginia — Norfolk |
3.500% |
7.000% |
10.500% |
30 |
Washington, D.C. |
13% plus $1.50/day |
11 |
Washington — Seattle |
6.500% |
8.700% |
15.200% |
1 |
West Virginia — Chrleston |
6.000% |
3.000% |
9.000% |
39 |
Wisconsin — Milwaukee |
5.000% |
9.600% |
14.600% |
3 |
Wyoming — Cheyenne |
4.000% |
4.000% |
8.000% |
46 |
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), Legisbrief, Vol. 6, No. 4, January 1998. |