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Historic Motor Fuel Tax Revenues

Historic Motor Fuel Tax Revenues


A 1925 PA 2 Gasoline Tax established at 2 cents per gallon.
B 1927 PA 150 Increased tax rate to 3 cents per gallon; repealed 2 PA 1925.
C 1947 PA 319 Diesel Fuel Tax established at 5 cents per gallon.
D 1951 PA 54 Increased Gas Tax rate to 4.5 cents per gallon; added Chapter 2 (Diesel Fuel Tax) to 150 PA 1927 at 6 cents per gallon; repealed 1947 PA 319.
E 1953 PA 147 Added Chapter 3 (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tax) to 150 PA 1927 at 4.5 cents per gallon.
F 1967 (ES) PA 5 Increased tax rates to 7 cents per gallon.
G 1972 PA 326 Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas tax rates increased to 9 cents per gallon.
H 1978 PA 426 Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas tax rates increased to 11 cents per gallon.
Increased Diesel Fuel Tax rate to 9 cents per gallon.
I 1980 PA 118 Raised Diesel Fuel Tax rate to 11 cents per gallon; allowed a 6 cent per gallon discount to commercial vehicles.
PA 119 Motor Carriers Fuel Tax established at rate equal to Diesel Fuel Tax rate on commercial vehicles for road use based on miles driven in state.
J 1982 PA 437 Created formula for altering gas tax rate in 1983 and 1984; set Diesel Fuel and Liquefied Petroleum Gas tax rates equal to Gasoline Tax rate (increased tax rates to 13 cents per gallon in 1983 and 15 cents per gallon in 1984).
K 1992 PA 225 Altered the collection point of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel taxes from wholesalers to suppliers.
L 1996 PA 584 Increased Motor Carriers Fuel Tax rate to 21 cents per gallon with 15 cent credit for fuel purchased in Michigan.
M 1997 PA 83 Increased Gasoline Tax rate to 19 cents per gallon.
N 2000 PA 403 Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, and Liquefied Petroleum Gas taxes recodified.
* Motor Fuels Taxes include the Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, and Liquefied Petroleum Gas, and Motor Carrier Fuel Taxes.

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