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July 15, 2012

Options to Address School District Accumulated Deficits

Options to Address School District Accumulated Deficits

Memo 1114 ( July 2012 ) 4 pages

On Monday, July 9, the newly formed board of the Muskegon Heights Public School Academy signed an agreement with a charter school operator to provide all educational services to all of the Muskegon Heights School District beginning in fall 2012. This action effectively converts the entire school district to a charter school, which is part of the plan crafted by the emergency manager appointed under Public Act 4 of 2011 to simultaneously address the district’s lingering financial deficits and ensure the necessary educational services are provided to the children in the district. As identified in CRC’s June report, State Bailouts to Erase School District Accumulated Deficits, this plan will result in additional state funds being provided to the district to help eliminate the past deficit.

July 15, 2012

Options to Address School District Accumulated Deficits

Options to Address School District Accumulated Deficits

Memo 1114 ( July 2012 ) 4 pages

On Monday, July 9, the newly formed board of the Muskegon Heights Public School Academy signed an agreement with a charter school operator to provide all educational services to all of the Muskegon Heights School District beginning in fall 2012. This action effectively converts the entire school district to a charter school, which is part of the plan crafted by the emergency manager appointed under Public Act 4 of 2011 to simultaneously address the district’s lingering financial deficits and ensure the necessary educational services are provided to the children in the district. As identified in CRC’s June report, State Bailouts to Erase School District Accumulated Deficits, this plan will result in additional state funds being provided to the district to help eliminate the past deficit.

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