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Memorandum 1101 ( September 2010 )

Statewide Issues on the November General Election Ballot Proposal 2010-02

With the November election fast approaching, candidates are running for offices in nearly every type of state and local government in Michigan. If Proposal 2010-02 is adopted by the voters at that election, it will create new eligibility criteria aimed at keeping certain felons that have committed crimes involving crimes involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or breach of the public trust from running for office in the future.
Memorandum 1101 ( September 2010 )

Statewide Issues on the November General Election Ballot Proposal 2010-02

With the November election fast approaching, candidates are running for offices in nearly every type of state and local government in Michigan. If Proposal 2010-02 is adopted by the voters at that election, it will create new eligibility criteria aimed at keeping certain felons that have committed crimes involving crimes involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or breach of the public trust from running for office in the future.

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