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Report 341 ( August 2006 ) 4 pages

Proposal 2006-03: A Referendum on Mourning Dove Hunting

At the November 7, 2006, general election Michigan voters will be presented with a referendum on Public Act 160 of 2004, which was an amendment to Public Act 451 of 1994. Act 160 reclassified the Mourning Dove as a game bird, as opposed to its previous song bird designation, and permitted Mourning Dove hunting, thus making Michigan the 41st state to permit Mourning Dove hunting.
Report 341 ( August 2006 ) 4 pages

Proposal 2006-03: A Referendum on Mourning Dove Hunting

At the November 7, 2006, general election Michigan voters will be presented with a referendum on Public Act 160 of 2004, which was an amendment to Public Act 451 of 1994. Act 160 reclassified the Mourning Dove as a game bird, as opposed to its previous song bird designation, and permitted Mourning Dove hunting, thus making Michigan the 41st state to permit Mourning Dove hunting.

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