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Memo 1077 ( September 2004 ) 4 pages

Proposal E: Form of Governance for the Detroit Public Schools

CRC has released its analysis of Proposal E on the City of Detroit November 2 ballot. With expriration of the school reform board one year away, Proposal E allows voters to choose a new method of school board governance. CRC’s analysis details a history of the relationship between the Detroit Public Schools and the City of Detroit, looks at other major U.S. cities in similar states of reform, and considers how the two options before the voters will result in changes in accountability, local control, and school improvement.
Memo 1077 ( September 2004 ) 4 pages

Proposal E: Form of Governance for the Detroit Public Schools

CRC has released its analysis of Proposal E on the City of Detroit November 2 ballot. With expriration of the school reform board one year away, Proposal E allows voters to choose a new method of school board governance. CRC’s analysis details a history of the relationship between the Detroit Public Schools and the City of Detroit, looks at other major U.S. cities in similar states of reform, and considers how the two options before the voters will result in changes in accountability, local control, and school improvement.

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