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Report 280, ( February 1986 ) 59 pages

Municipal Government Economic Development Incentive Programs in Michigan

Part I of this paper provides a brief description of each of the five economic development programs and explains the interaction among the various programs. Two hypothetical business firms located in Central City – Acme Widget Production Company, a manufacturer of widgets, and ABC Widget Sales, a widget retailer, will be used throughout Part I to illustrate the various programs. Part II is an analysis of the tax abatements granted, as of December 31, 1983, by cities and townships with 10,000 or more residents.
Report 280, ( February 1986 ) 59 pages

Municipal Government Economic Development Incentive Programs in Michigan

Part I of this paper provides a brief description of each of the five economic development programs and explains the interaction among the various programs. Two hypothetical business firms located in Central City – Acme Widget Production Company, a manufacturer of widgets, and ABC Widget Sales, a widget retailer, will be used throughout Part I to illustrate the various programs. Part II is an analysis of the tax abatements granted, as of December 31, 1983, by cities and townships with 10,000 or more residents.

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