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Report 282, ( July 1986 ) 33 pages

Evaluating the Educational Outcomes of Your Local Schools

This manual is organized into 9 chapters, each dealing with a specific aspect of evalu-ating education by looking at the outcomes. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 deal with who is re-sponsible for student learning and how to pursue an outcomes approach without get-ting sidetracked. Chapter 5 describes the democratic processes through which citizens hold their schools accountable for educational progress. Chapter 6 suggests that parents and other citizens should insist that their local schools define local edu-cational objectives and provide the public with information about progress toward achieving those objectives. Chapters 7 and 8 provide information about what kinds of measures of student performance are available and how to make use of student test-ing. The final chapter sets forth some characteristics that effective schools are known to possess. Each chapter is followed by exercises to accustom users to the educational outcomes approach.
Report 282, ( July 1986 ) 33 pages

Evaluating the Educational Outcomes of Your Local Schools

This manual is organized into 9 chapters, each dealing with a specific aspect of evalu-ating education by looking at the outcomes. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 deal with who is re-sponsible for student learning and how to pursue an outcomes approach without get-ting sidetracked. Chapter 5 describes the democratic processes through which citizens hold their schools accountable for educational progress. Chapter 6 suggests that parents and other citizens should insist that their local schools define local edu-cational objectives and provide the public with information about progress toward achieving those objectives. Chapters 7 and 8 provide information about what kinds of measures of student performance are available and how to make use of student test-ing. The final chapter sets forth some characteristics that effective schools are known to possess. Each chapter is followed by exercises to accustom users to the educational outcomes approach.

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