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October 3, 1989
Council Comments 984

School Finance Constitutional Amendment Proposals

The legislature placed two school fiance reform proposals on the November, 1989 ballot. Proposal A: One-half percent increase in the Sales and Use Taxes with all revenues dedicated to schools; & Proposal B: Proposed to increase the Sales and Use Tax rates to 6%, create different levies for business and non-business properties, and equalize local school operating taxes. Proposal B required amending the State Constitution. (Both were defeated.)

October 3, 1989
Council Comments 984

School Finance Constitutional Amendment Proposals

The legislature placed two school fiance reform proposals on the November, 1989 ballot. Proposal A: One-half percent increase in the Sales and Use Taxes with all revenues dedicated to schools; & Proposal B: Proposed to increase the Sales and Use Tax rates to 6%, create different levies for business and non-business properties, and equalize local school operating taxes. Proposal B required amending the State Constitution. (Both were defeated.)

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